Qi, Consciousness and Qigong
Qi can be described as our life force or life energy. It is natural to think that the more life energy we have, the healthier we become. In Chinese culture knowledge of Qi including the benefits of Qigong practice and how the consciousness affects health, has been available for thousands of years.
Qi and Universe
Ancient Chinese tried to understand how the universe was created and how life in the universe worked. They discovered that everything in the universe has been created from Qi in its most original form – Yuan Qi. Human beings, animals, plants, trees, water – actually everything that exists is created out of Yuan Qi. Qi can be understood as a completely integrated form of matter, energy and information that can be in many forms.
The universe is in a constant process of Qi-transformation (expansion and contraction) between matter and non-matter – in both directions, on macro and micro levels. The basic laws or principles of the universe control the development of all things in the universe.
Can this transformation be scientifically proved? Einstein posed at the beginning of the 1900’s, the famous equation E (Energy) = m (mass) * c2 (speed of light). Mass and energy can actually be seen as two sides of the same coin and transformation from one to the other is possible and happens continuously.
TCM – Traditionel Chinese Medicine with acupuncture and Tuina, Tai Chi and Qigong are all based on knowledge of Qi and this transformation process.
Human Qi
The human body, consciousness (Chinese Shen) and life-giving force (Qi) are all different refined forms of this original Yuan Qi.
At the moment of conception when the sperm and egg meet, the new individual’s Qi is created. To some extent we can say that the ‘laws of life’ of the new individual – that is how the person will develop – is also largely determined at this moment. In the big picture however, an individual human is also dominated by the laws of the universe and the laws of human life.
Qi is needed to support all processes in the body, including physical movements and self-repairing that is constantly taking place in the body. Qi flows in the so-called channels or meridians to support these activities – through the arms, legs, head, torso and organs.
For example, to pick up an object from the floor, our consciousness sends an order and Qi moves in the channels so that the body is bent and the arm stretched out. At the same time, the consciousness is present in the movement and receives feed-back signals.
The flow of Qi in the channels can deteriorate and blockages caused by impaired Qi flow, can occur. These conditions can result in problems such as poor mobility and high blood pressure, and eventually may adversely affect the organs, leading to all sorts of chronic illnesses.
Activities of consciousness
The human life is an open system that is constantly interacting and exchanging with the external. The human consciousness collaborates with the sensory organs in order to understand and evaluate what is happening in the external world, and to enable actions. All activities of the consciousness create Qi movements in the body that in turn affect the body’s processes in every moment of life.
The thought of your favourite food when you feel hungry will make your mouth water. Or when you are angry, your adrenaline level will rise so your heart will pump more vigorously and your body’s metabolism will speed up. When we watch TV or go shopping our Qi will follow the focus of our consciousness and go out from the body resulting in loss of Qi.
Our thoughts are very important for our wellbeing. We are used to relating to our problems or symptoms in a negative way by getting worried or overly focusing on them with pessimistic thoughts. This negative way of using the consciousness will have negative effects on Qi and the body. Likewise, having positive and pure thoughts can have a positive effect on Qi and the body and will offer great support in their natural abilities to nourish and transform into a more healthier state.
Ren Xue
Understanding and aligning with the natural laws of life

What is REN XUE?
Ren Xue is the system of theories and teachings created by Yuan Tze with the goal of understanding and thereby elevating our life.

Yuan Qigong
Yuan Qigong is a Qigong system that supports the positive transformation of all areas of life, body, qi, heart and consciousness.

Yuan Ming
Yuan Ming is a system of treatment methods based on Ren Xue theories, modern science and traditional chinese medicine.

What is Qi?
Qi is our life force, the fabric of all existence. Understanding Qi is vital to achieving a healthy and harmonious life.